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Resources at work developing the Global Information Power Grid are the missing link...

Researchers-Investigators...testing positive for having new approaches

Wireless Internet...facilitating inquiry & 'quiet' suspense    

"to boldly code where no code has gone before"..MIT

Set Your Clock CyberCafes / 150 Countries
World Time Iowa State Univ.
Check the Date / Calendar ISS / Fluorescence,...Biomedical Instru.
CETroB / .....Tropical Biology NASA
Earth & Sky Monterey Bay Aquarium
Goddard Space Flight Center / NASA Wolves
Rene' Descartes ( 1596 - 1650 )    
Universidad Eafit / Columbia
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Associations / Institutions MRS / Materials Research Society
American Assn. for the Advancement of Science The Max Planck Society
American Chemical Society NARA / U.S. National Archives & Records Administration
American Geophysical Union National Academies of Sciences-USA-fm1863
Canada Science & Technology Museum NCMS / National Center for Manufacturing Sciences
Extensive Links to Associations U. S. National Science Foundation
Federation of American Scientist Smithsonian Museums & Research Centers
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Astronomy / astro-physics Artificial Satellites  /Sputnik I / Explorer I / Oct 4, 1957-1958
AUI / Associated Universities / estb. 1946 The Very Large Array Home Page
Astronomical League The Very Long Baseline Array
Amateur Astronomers Assoc. The Max Planck Society
Astronomy Organizations NRAO / National Radio Astronomy Observatory
American Assn. of Amateur Astronomers NRAO /Supermassive Black Hole Mimics Smaller Cousins
American Astronomical Society Physlink / Physics & Astronomy Glossary
Green Bank 100meter Telescope - NRAO / Green Bank, West Virginia SDSS / Sloan Digital Sky Survery
Hubble Space Telescope Science Institute
Hubble Space Telescope / captivating pictures of the Cosmos
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Bio-Tech Industry
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Genome Project
Celera UK Human Genome Mapping Project - Resource Centre
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Miscellaneous Turnitin / plagiarism issues 
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Nanotechnology / materials science
Nanoscale Science Research Centers / U.S. DOE Tel Aviv Univ. / Nanotechnological Self-Assembly / trends in research
Berkeley Lab / The coming of the Nano-Age Harvard U. / Nanoscale Science & Engineering Center / R. Westervelt
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Research Facilities /Labs / Networks Before you start your research...useful phrases...Oh!..never mind
Agriculture / Global / Research Centers, Univs, etc. Office of Naval Research/ U. S. Navy & Marine Corps
Air Force Research Laboratory - USA  Oklahoma State U. / research
Alabama Supercomputer Authority /ASC ,  AREN ORAU - Oak Ridge Associated Universities
Arkansas / Technology Resources  ORNL /OakRidge/ Collaborative Technologies Research Center
Berkeley-UC / Research Programs & Units OSC /Ohio Supercomputer Center / Universities & Industry
Boston Univ. / Research Centers & Institutes Oxford Brookes U. / School of Computing & Mathematical Sciences
Bournemouth Univ. /UK / extensive research range Pakistan Research Institutes /fm Agriculture to Water Management
Brown Univ. / Research Centers - Initiatives Portland State U. / Secure Mobile Networking
Buckinghamshire Chilterns Univ. College / UK RedIRIS / Spain /National Academic & Research Network /since 1988
Burapha Univ. / Thailand /advanced research Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute /Worldwide Computing Laboratory
Cairo Univ. / Research & Development Centers/ Labs Research Centre for Future Communications / Univ. of Leeds / UK
CAS / Chinese Academy of Sciences Rice Univ. / RENE - RiceEverywhereNEtwork /CDMA / Bluetooth
CEA / French Atomic Energy Commission RIPN / Russian Institute for Public Networks / Kurchatov Institute
Center for Solid State Electronics Res./ Arizona State Univ. Rome Lab / Rome, N.Y.
CERIST/Algeria/Centre de Recherche sur l'Information... Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
CESNET /Czech National Research & Edu. Network RWTH Aachen / multidisciplinary & transfer fields-projects
Community of Science / Indiana Univ. / global SERC /Software Engineering Research Center
Cornell /Information Assurance Institute/Cyclone & ECC project Singapore / Institute for Communications Research / NUS & NRI/C
CSIRO /Australia /..Scientific-Industrial Research SJTU / Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ./National Lab on Fiber Networks
CUHK /Chinese U. of Hong Kong/Research Centres SICRIS / Slovenian Current Research Information System
DARPA /Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency SISSA /ISAS /Italy/Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
DERA-Defence Evaluation & Research Agency/UK Southwest Research Institute / applied engineering & physical sciences
Dstl -UK /Ministry of Defence /Science & Technology Stevens Institute of Technology / " Technogenesis "/ multidisciplinary
US Depart. of Energy / National Laboratories / 16 SGI -Swedish Geotechnical Institute / Energy -Environmental-Labs
DENet / Danish Computing Ctr for Research & Edu. Syracuse Research Corp. / Eng.-InfoSys-Enviro.-E-comm - Software
DFN / Deutsches Forschungsnetz / Sci-Res-Edu. Technische Univ. Dresden/ Research competence - Groups - Institutes
Duke Univ. / extensive research range / Centers TecNet / Ireland / Advanced Data Networking , Wireless
Edith Cowan U./Ctr for Very High Speed Micro Systems Temple U. /Parallel & Distributed Knowledge Discovery in Databases
Emory U. /Atlanta, Georgia /Research Programs Project 863 /China High Tech. Research & Development Program
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam UCL - UK / History of Univ/ Science-Engineering-Medicine
Florida Institute of Technology / Labs-Institutes- Centers Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos/Centros de Investigacion
George Mason U. /Reconfigurable Parallel Apps. Universidad Politecnica De Valencia / Spain/ Sistemas Distribuidos
Georgia Tech / Software Radio Laboratory Universiti Teknologi Malaysia / Centre of Excellence
Georgia Tech/ T.Starner / Ubiquitous, Wearable Universite Marseille / Technology - Physics - Engineering - Science
Georgia Tech/ Contextual Computing Group Universiteit Gent / Research at the RUG
Gerhard Mercator Universitat Duisburg / Germany Universiteit Maastricht/ IKAT - Institute for Knowledge & Agent Tech.
Global / High Performance Computer Centers  Universitat zu Koln / Germany
Harvard U. /Div. of Engineering & Applied Sciences Universitat Wien / Vienna / established in year 1365
HPWREN/High Performance Wireless R & Ed Network/UCSD University College Dublin / Research Programme
IBM / Almaden Research Ctr. / one of 8 labs U. of Akureyri / Iceland /Research - Education / & distance Education
IceTec / Technological Institute of Iceland UAH / U. of Alabama / Research Centers & Laboratories & Consortia
Imperial College/ UK / interdisciplinary focus... UC Berkeley / Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
INEEL /Idaho National Engineering & Environmental Lab. U. of Bristol /UK research univ. / Research & Commercial interface
Indian Institute of Information Technology -Bangalore U of Calgary / Research / Delivering Results...Touching Lives
INRIA / French National Institute for Research... U. of Cambridge / UK/ research from Archaeology to Zoology
Isfahan Univ. of Technology /Iran /Ecerc U. of Cape Town / South Africa
Israel Science & Technology Research Centers U. of Colorado / Research Centers, Institutes & Laboratories
ITB - Institut Teknologi Bandung / Indonesia UEL / U. of East London / Culture-Art-Business/ inter-disciplinary
ITC - Istituto Trentino Di Cultura U of Fribourg / Switzerland / collaborates with Univ's world-wide
IUPUI / Indiana U. - Purdue U. - Indianapolis U. of Hawaii / extensive research range
Jet Propulsion Lab /NASA/Calif. Institute of Technology U. of Houston / Research Centers & Institutes
Johns Hopkins Univ.  Applied Physics Lab. U. of Iceland / research spectrum & unique resources
Journal of Parallel Distributed Computing / Grids U of Kentucky / Research Centers, Institutes, Programs, Services
Kansas State U. / Research & Extension units U. of Leeds / White Rose consortium / UK 
Kent State Univ. /Ohio / 66 centers & institutes U. of Liverpool / CTAG - Agents - Logics - PRImA - Biocomputation
King Mongkut's Institute of Technology /Thailand U. of Maine / "Understanding yesterday...Inventing tomorrow "
KISR -Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research U of Maryland /Advanced Information Technology Lab.
KREONET/Korea Resc.Environment Open Network U of Maryland /MARUTI /A. Agrawala / real-time scenario switching
Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6 / OASIS U of Maryland / Min Wu /digital watermarking - multimedia security
LITNET / Academical & Research in Lithuania U of Maryland /Papadopoulos /partially correlated sensor noise...
Los Alamos National Laboratory/ New Mexico U of Memphis / Research Centers & Services
LPPM - Institut Teknologi Bandung / Indonesia U. of Minnesoata / Research & Technology / Centers & Institutes
LSU /Research Centers, Institutes, Labs & Programs U. of Missouri-Columbia / Research Programs & Facilities
McGill U. / Office of International Research U. of Newcastle - Australia /leading edge research with a broad reach
METU / Middle East Technical Univ. / Turkey U of North Carolina / a 16-campus university
Mississippi State / Research Program U. of Oslo /Norway /Centres & Research Programmes
MIT / Blueware: Support for Self-organizing Scatternets U. of Oxford / Research & Commercialisation services
MIT /Networks & Mobile Sys. / Bluetooth, etc. Univ. Putra Malaysia / Agriculture, Advanced Science, Technology
MIT /Project Oxygen= pervasive communication/ touch -speech- vision UNINETT / Norwegian Academic Network for Research & Education
MIT / SpectrumWare /distributed signal processing U of S /U. of Saskatchewan Research Centres, Institutes & Units
MIT /VuNet = harvesting ' value' from (pervasive) media streams U of Tennessee@ Knoxville /Joint Institute for Energy & Environment
Manchester Metropolitan Univ. / UK /research UTA / Univ. of Texas @Arlington / Research Centers
NASA Ames Research Center / High Performance Computers, tools U. of Toronto / extensive Edu. & Research Depts. & Institutes
National Science Foundation U. of Ulster / UK / extensive range of research 
National Center for Supercomputing Applications / U. of Illinois @ U-C U of Virginia /research parks /Biotechnology,Transportation Research
National Univ. of Lesotho / interdisciplinary , research-development US Dept. of Defense /Types of Environment & Natural Resources Research
National U. of Singapore / 12 national research centres U. of Waikato / New Zealand / Antarctic-Biodiversity-Biochemistry
Naval Research Lab / US/ multidisciplinary program U of Windsor /Canada / Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Centre
Naval Research Laboratory Stennis Space Center VCU -Virginia Commonwealth U. /VCU Life Sciences , Chemistry
Naval Postgraduate School /Monterey, Calif. / interdisciplinary systems Wayne State U., Mich./ Commercialization Initiative - Life Sciences
NEC Research Institute / distributed computing /archival storage WPI / Worcester Polytechnic Institute / Centers - Institutes - Labs
NTNU / Norwegian U. of Science & Technology / 5 strategic areas Wright State U/Ohio / Interdisciplinary Research for the " Real World "
NTUA / Nat. Technical Univ. of Athens / Parallel / neural network
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Research / Information Power Grid MILAN /Metacomputing In Large Asynchronous Networks /NYU & Arizona State U. 
Asia Pacific Grid / Community Participants NASA / Information Power Grid / Engineering, research, news
AC3/Australian Centre for Advanced Computing & Comm. NASA / IPG network partners & grid builders
BYU / Ira & Marylou Fulton Supercomputing Center NCSA /Nat. Center for Supercomputing Applications / UIUC
C-DAC / India / Building National I-Grid / Tech. Institutes, etc. NCSC /North Carolina Supercomputing Center
C-DAC /Centre for Development of Advanced Computing / India NPACI /Nat. Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure
DutchGrid / DataGrid-SecureGrid-VLAM-G, etc. NSF / Advanced Computational Infrastructure & Research
GGF / Global Grid Forum Project Bayanihan /MIT / " volunteer computing "
Globus Project  /Persistent computing tools POZMAN /Metacomputing at Poznan Supercomputing & Network Center
Grid Computing Planet / Globus / U. of Penn. etc, ..Hospitals - Grid Supercomputing Online / News for High Performance Computing...
Grid Computing Info Centre / global resources & projects TOP500 Supercomputer Sites
GRB /U. of Lecce/Italy / ubiquitous grid computing framework UK Grid Support / Edinburgh, Manchester, etc.
GRIDtoday /News & Info for Global Grid Community GOOGLE
ISI / USC School of Engineering
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Research / Pervasive Computing.. ..DPAE..distillation, prioritization, analysis, execution
Ames Lab / Scalable Computing Laboratory MIT / Technology Review/ Project Oxygen
Article / M. Satyanarayanan on M. Weiser on today New Jersey Center for Pervasive Information Technology
Carnegie Mellon University /Project Aura NIST /National Institute of Standards & Technology
Centre for Pervasive Computing / Denmark NIST / Smart Space Laboratory
Cornell / OS, Networks & Distributed Computing Nottingham / CVE systems / 'worldwide visitors'
Cryptographic Abundance & Pervasive Computing / CISP article Pervasive 2002 /International Conf. on Pervasive Computing / Aug-2002
Distributed Systems/IEEE/ ubiquitous & web centered Rensselaer Polytechnic /Virtual Machines..code migration & coordination
Doors of Perception - John Thackara Singapore /Pervasive Computing Research Program /KRDL
Elder-friendly pervasive care & communication UC Berkeley / Telegraph project / rethinking scalable dataflow
GeorgiaTech  / B.Mynatt/Everyday Computing Lab U of Florida / Pervasive & Proximity Computing
GeorgiaTech/ related projects in Ubiquitous Computing U of Southampton /UK /IAM Research Group
HP-Labs/Per-Kristian Halvorsen/ electricity & water . U of Washington /""/ discovery, checkpointing, & migration
IBM / Pervasive Computing U of Wash. /Denali /VMMs, scaling, untrusted code
IBM Lab / Planet Blue project / Article fm RedHerring Washington Technology / NIST Lab work
IEEE Computer Society / Pervasive Computing
In-Q-Tel / Distributed - large scale sensor networks
IPCRES /Indiana Pervasive Computing Research Initiative
ISI /USC /Autonomous Agents - SOAR tools, etc.
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Research / CVE ... ...Collaborative Virtual Environments
U of Nottingham / (altered states) / Steve Benford  Center for Virtual Reality.../ Multimedia Univ. / Malaysia
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Research /Everyday Life /interweaving... science, tech, art , design , health care, mechanics
Arkansas State U / Engineering - applied knowledge Japan / Tsukuba College of Technology
COSI Columbus -science center / 15 million visitors Kirkwood Community College /Iowa / Award for Learning Initiatives
Derby College / UK /expanding opportunities  MIT / Wearables / MIThril hard - soft platform
EQUATOR  Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration NEA / ' ..integrating technologies in a period of escalating use..'
Emporia State U. /Kansas / Colleges - Programs Nottingham / Bristol / wearables
Fontbonne U. /Missouri / Deaf edu. major & more Orpington College/ UK/ on to Higher Edu., Vocational, or Adult edu.
GaTech / ISWC - Int. Symposium on Wearables... PNNL /Pacific Northwest National Lab / Information Visualization
George C. Wallace Community College / Alabama / partnerships... Protolex /MobEMed = linking patients with medical workers
Hal Varian /CITRIS /article by David Pescovitz Regis College / " principles that support usability..."
Hamdard Univ..../ Pakistan / Communications..need to be connected SMSU - Southwest Missouri State Univ. / Edu-Tech =building blocks
HowStuffWorks / Marshall Brain / fm A to Z The STAR Project/ Scottish Univ's & North America & Caribbean
ISI /USC /Sensor Networks /health, science, security Telstra's Centre for Accessibility / the Human Factors Group
ITC - Istituto Trentino Di Cultura UNK -Univ. of Nebraska - Kearney / Technology-networking
Western Technical Institute /Programs /leading edge training solutions
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Research Tools / initiatives Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center
Aerospace Research Centers. Periodic Table of Elements / Los Alamos Nat.Lab
AIT /Asian Institute of Technology / Thailand PoliSci / news sources
American U. in Cairo /Desert Development Center ParaScope for Parallel Computing Sites
Arnold Engineering Development Center / AirForce Parallel Tools Library
Association of Marine Labs. of the Caribbean Pohjois-Savo Polytechnic / Finland
UIUC / Beekman Institute /Image Formation... Queens Univ. / International Research / Land Mines, etc.
BBN Technologies / puzzle solvers Rene' Descartes ( 1596 - 1650 )
Bell Evaluation Lab - failure analysis specialists ResearchEdge
Boise State U. / Idaho Microfabrication Lab Scientific American / Ask the Experts / physics & more
Carnegie Mellon /Institute for Complex Engineered Systems Signal Processing & Multimedia Information Infrastructure
CERI - Center for Earthquake Research / Univ. of Memphis SINTEF(Foundation for Scientic & Industrial Research @ the NIT
CISE / NSF/ Directorate for Computer & Info. Science & Engineering SOPAC / South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission / estb. 1972
City Univ. / London, UK / Fuel Cell Technology Space Environment Center / NOAA
Clarkson Univ. /New York /  Microcontamination SPIN / Spatial Perception to Identification with Neural networks
CMR /Ctr. for Monitoring Res. /Nuclear Explosion Stevens Institute of Technology / Technogenesis / labs
CNIC, CAS- Chinese Computer Network Info. Center Technische Univ. Wien / Austria / Eu-Forschungsprojekte
CUBIN /ARC Special Research Ctr./Ultra-Broadband TUHH /TU Hamburg-Harburg /Vision Systems = Pattern Recognition
Depaul Univ. /Interdisciplinary Science & Technology Center U. of Arkansas / Center for Sensing Technology & Research
Dryden Flight Research Center  / California U. of East London / Research Groups & Lists
Federal Geographic Data Committee / USA U. of Hawai'i / SOEST -Sch. of Ocean & Earth Science & Technology
HURL /Hawai'i Undersea Research Laboratory U of Kentucky / Center for Sensor Tech. / chemical signaling...
IBM / Distributed Terascale Facility / " TeraGrid " U of Maryland / Center for Satellite & Hybrid Comm.
IFI ( Institut Fur Informatik )Nano-World / Universitat Basel Univ. of Portsmouth /UK / Control & Robotics Group
Imperial College /London/apps. for modelling & simulation U of Utah / Scientific Computing & Imaging Institute
InfoEd /Management Software for R & D community U of Windsor/Canada /Research Centre for Integrated Microsystems
Information Technology Centre / New Brunswick, CA Vaxjo Univ./Sweden / Mathematical Modeling /multi-dimensional
IRIS / Univ. Research Consortium /Seismology Woods Hole Oceanographic Insitution
ISI / USC / Digital Government Research Center Worcester Polytechnic Institute/Ctr. for Wireless Info Network Studies 
KUH / Finland /Science Park-diverse research Xerox / Mobile Document Services Project
Laboratories for Information Technology / Singapore
Lemelson Foundation /creating inventors - innovators
METU /Turkey / Earthquake Engineering Research
National Academies of Sciences-USA
National Academy of Sciences of Armenia
Nat. Institute for Global Environmental Change
US  Naval Undersea Warfare Center / full-spectrum Scirus / science-specific search engine
Naval Surface Warfare Center / Carderock Div. Google it up Anytime
Nebraska GIS/LIS Assn. ( Geospatial Info. Systems )
Oman/MEDRC/Middle East Desalination research Ctr.
The Open Group...working for interoperability
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Satellites / services / imagery Federation of American Scientist  / Site Index
TerraServer / Advanced Satellite Imagery NASA / Images, Visualizations & Animations of the Earth
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Sensors / Instrumentation
ISS / Advanced Fluorescence Instrumentation
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Wildlife / habitats / conservation Journey North / global study of Wildlife Migration
BirdCast / bird migration / observations Smithsonian Conservation & Research Center
BirdSource / Audubon / Cornell Ornithology Turtles / Caribbean Conservation / Turtle Tracking
Extensive Conservation & Environmental Resources
Giant Panda Bear
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Women Driving Technology Women in Technology International
Skills Driving Technology Driving Success Girltech
WorkingWomen CWP / Contributions of 20 th Century Women to Physics
NCWO /National Council of Women's Organizations Middle Way House / Bloomington, IN / Shelter against violence
National Domestic Violence Hotline / 1-800-799-7233