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 SMART  SEATS / smart communications / productivity solutions

Airline passengers will soon have continuous telecommunication service for the duration of  a flight, as well as passenger terminal telecom service both prior to and following a flight.  In-flight consumer multimedia services will be delivered shortly....for Business...for passenger Medical assistance...Entertainment...and Personal communication needs.  


Within a few short years we will find 'Smart Seats' in cars, trucks, buses, trains, boats, general aviation airplanes, and just about everyplace we select to seat ourselves for rest or business. Broadband content delivered to our fingertips, with interactive-multimedia functionality, will be easily sent on it's return trip within minutes or at your leisure.  Asking and answering questions online, submitting and receiving proposals, scheduling and canceling appointments, sending email greetings to a family member, will soon become a passenger routine and done from the comfort of your smart seat.  Emerging communication solutions will now significantly improve your information payload carrying capability while adding friendly new tools to assist in sorting through our sometimes scrambled schedules.       


Set Your Clock Level3 Rockwell Collins 
Set Your World Clock Mitsubishi Companies SITA / Info & Telecom Solutions
Alcatel /Architects of an Internet World Tenzing
Bluetooth Mitsubishi Electric Business Systems Thales Communications
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Airlines with Consumer Community
Airlines around the World
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Auto Systems / information Qualcomm  ( wingcast )     Ford  ( wingcast )
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Bluetooth Systems Bluetooth
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Boat Systems
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Content Providers / programs
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In-Flight Networks Rockwell Collins  ( IFN)
AirTV / Multimedia in your seat / Using RockwellCollins Wavelink Article / Airshow, Inc ( RockwellCollins )
Connexion by Boeing Tenzing Press Room
Hughes TEAC / in flight entertainment
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In-flight Entertainment / programs
Rockwell Collins (IFE)
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Rail Systems
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Regulatory Issues
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Satellite Systems
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Technology  Solutions
Program Recording Technology
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