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TRANSPORTATION /  Broadband info services / navigation tools - global

long haul / short haul....cyber capable....load tracking/multimodal 



Wireless Internet...made to be driven


Set Your Clock Federal Express (wingcast)
Set Your World Clock Ford (wingcast) Sears  
Check your Calendar GM
Get your WEATHER Harris Corp. / communications
AAA Hertz
Alliance Shippers / logistics-services Honda TeleSea /Notice to Mariners
AAMCO Inmarsat Vikings
Airborne-Express/ eServices ICO / mobile com Traffic Cameras in USA
American Highway Users Alliance J.B.Hunt / transp. logistics Flight Tracker
Boyd Bros. Transportation Mapquest Trip
Chevrolet Motorola UPS


Navistar / tractors for 140,000GVW


CR England / 1900 tractors/ Satcom Novatel / GPS tracking utility
Department of Transportation-U. S. NTT DoCoMo / mobile com World Space content
Iowa / Des Moines traffic status Onstar Washington, D.C./ Maryland traffic 
DaimlerChrysler XM Satellite Radio
Earth Sat
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Associations / institutes National League of Cities
SI / Salt Institute / 14,000 known uses / estb. 1914
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Aviation Systems
AOPA / Aircraft Owners & Pilots Assoc.
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Automobile Systems
GM EV1 / Electric passenger car Hypercar Vehicle -hybrid electric/ Rocky Mountain Institute
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Auto Services / Rental Car Service Dollar Rent A Car
Alamo Rent-A-Car Enterprise
Avis Hertz
Budget Rent a Car National Car Rental
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Auto Services / safety, planning, repair, etc. Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
Auto Auction / Pennsylvania-Harrisburg Motor Vehicle Administration / Maryland
Auto Auctions / directory MotorWeek
Auto Auctions / directions RV Center
AAA Tirerack  
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Cams / Surface transport systems / global........ ...monitoring & management of sections
Northern Road / Civil Engnr Research Institute-Japan
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Cams / USA auto traffic networks... ...don't start your trip without looking first..
Washington, D.C. traffic Connecticut Highways
USA Cities Maryland / Montgomery Co./American Legion Bridge
Virginia Maryland / Montg. Co. / 495/Connecticut Ave.
SmarTraveler Maryland / Montg.Co./270-S/Montrose Rd.
Delaware Dept. of Transportation / state wide cams Maryland / Montg.Co./ Rockville Cams
Delaware / I-95 & I-295
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Cams / USA surface transport networks Maryland Dept. of Transportation
Maryland / Montgomery County
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Commuters / networks / info / resources
Commuter Connections / Washington, D. C. region NextBus / GPS arrival information for your bus stop
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Content / broadband
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Countries & States /transport systems Finnish Road Admin. & extensive GLOBAL links
Finland Ministry of Transport & Communications Scandinavia Integrated Transport 
U of Leeds Institute for Transport Studies  / Ireland
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Deep Water Port Facilities
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Washington, D.C. / Dept. of Motor Vehicles
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Federal - State - Local law enforcement
Washington, DC / Virginia/Maryland/  Feds / & Misc
Washington, D.C. government
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ITS / Intelligent Transportation Systems Federal Transit Administration / US DOT
Appalachian Transportation Institute / Marshall Univ., W.V. Intelligent Transportation Society of America
Australia / New South Wales - Roads & Traffic Authority NAWG /National Associations Working Group for ITS
APTS / Advanced Public Transportation Systems
ERTICO / Gateway to European ITS
ERTICO /  European Commission - ITS resources
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Legislative Issues / advocacy
American Highway Users Alliance
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Mapping Services / locate it ! get there!...  ...and make a phone call on the way
Telephone Directories with map links ... MapBlast ...
SuperDooper Map Producer Maptech / hunting , fishing , flying, boating , motoring, hiking
Jeppesen / Aviation Chart Services MapQuest / US  Road Maps / World Atlas ...
Flight Tracker Services ... StreetMap / UK
Map Surfer / US Census Bureau / data rich views New York State - Canals...Erie, Oswego, Champlain, Cayuga-Sf
Map Surfer / US Census Bureau
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Mass Transportation Systems NextBus / Global Positioning Satellite-precise arrival info
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Bombardier Light Rail & Metro/Rapid Transit
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Mobility Tools  / Scooters...electric , gas
Americraft Aviation / Electric Scooter Segway HT / electric
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Productivity Systems / fleet management Wing Cast Mobility
Collins-Rockwell  /  IFN & News Corporation    Ford Motor Co. & Qualcomm
Comtech Mobile Datacom/ MTS -Movement Tracking System SAIC implements Fleet Management System for BellSouth
Deutsche Telekom & Siemens /UMTS /Mercedes prototype SMART  SEATS mobility  
DaimerChrysler / SUN Microsystems / Siemens IC Mobile Tucker Co. / Freight Management Services / 3PL
Jentro AG /Univ. Nizza Sophia Antipolis MBDS / B-Right Trucking / President G.Gibson /technology support...
T-Mobile International AG
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Rail Systems
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Regulatory Issues
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Research / global technology solutions NIATT /Nat. Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology / U. of Idaho
American Public Works Association National Transportation Library / US Dept. of Transportation  
Bureau of Transportation Statistics-US DOT Pacific Northwest / National Orgs. /  Federal Depts.
California /DOT /Div. of New Technology & Research Rocky Mountain Institute / community design, smart growth
Finnish Road Administration & GLOBAL links Standing International Road Weather Commission
International Organizations TRAIL /Center for Edu. & Research ...Transport, Infrastructure..
Intelligent Transportation Systems  info center Transportation Research Board of National Academies
Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe U. of Calif. Berkeley / Institute of Transportation Studies
U. of Idaho /Nat. Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology
U of Washington / Intelligent Transportation System
US Department of Transportation
World Interchange Network Group / road transport
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Satellite Systems
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State & Municipal systems California Department of Transportation
Massachusetts Highways New York State Canals / News & Notices / business & leisure
Connecticut Dept. of Transportation /Statewide....Web Site New York / Metropolitan Transportation Authority
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Spectrum Allocation
Dpt. of Commerce /NTIA -Nat.Telecomms & Information Admin.
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Smart Highways
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Teleworking Programs Commuter Connections
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Tracking Systems / GPS integration NextBus / scheduled stops displayed on WEB
AirIQ / vehicle position informationn & reporting Novatel
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Trucking Systems / cutting edge transfer
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