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Countries - States - Provinces - Sectors - Communities

Metropolitan regions which reinforce planning considerations for companion population constellations within traditional rural & urban infrastructures.

Wireless Internet...taking a timely & balanced view

Set Your Clock CyberCafes /150 countries Sirius Radio
Set Your World Clock Dept. of Interior SpeakOut / opinion & news
Am.Assoc of Home Buss. San Francisco 
Am.Institute of Architects Fish & Wildlife Service Save The Mall / Washington, D.C.
Am.Soc of Landscape Architects Iowa Counties & much more
Iowa Communities Localview ITAC -International Telework Assn.
Bluetooth Land Planning & Conservation Traffic Cameras
BrightCom / bluetooth New Urbanism / sustainability Traffic Info-usa
City of Cedar Rapids, Iowa National Park System USA/Documents
Cedar Rapids, Iowa Newscorp Wetlands Regions in USA
Conservation Fund XMradio
American Planning Association Planetizen Google time
Resources for the Future
Urbanism  resources/ comprehensive directory of Internet resources  on planning, architecture, & built environment.
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Associations / Institutes / Councils / Trust ...Foundations
Council of State Governments Municipal Governments in North/Central America
US National Governors Association International City Government Resource Centre
U.S. Conference of Mayors APA / American Planning Assn.
National Conference of State Legislatures Alliance for National Renewal
National League of Cities Center for Digital Government
National Association of Counties Chicago Community Trust / Donald M. Stewart, President
NATaT /National Assn. of Town & Townships Community Foundation Locator
NCSC / National Center for Small Communities Council On Foundations / grantmaking
NCL / National Civic League International Council of Shopping Centers
APCO International/Assn of Public-Safety Communications Officials LGEAN/Local Governmental Environmental Assistance Network
International Assn. of Chiefs of Police NACCED / National Assn for County Community & Economic Development
International Assn. of Fire Chiefs NARC / National Assn of Regional Councils
NASBO / National Assn of State Budget Officers NASCIO /National Assn of State Chief Information Officers
ASPA / American Society for Public Administration NSA /National Smokejumper Assn.
ICMA / International City/County Management Assn. National Trust for Historic Preservation
L'Organisation Europeenne Representative des Collectivites Territoriales en Europe State Health Facts / Kaiser Family Foundation
Piper Resources / State & Local Gov. , orgs., assns. The Grantsmanship Center / Community Foundations /Illinois
Governing /The Resource of States &Localities / Organization
US Library of Congress / State & Local Goverment resources
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Associations / regional - local / policy Southern Governors' Assn.
ABAG / Assn. of Bay Area Governments / California Southern Governors / State of the State Address
NYSAC -New York State Assn. of Counties  WVECN - West Virginia Employee Communication Network
NY State Governor / 2003 Budget Address /Jan 29, 2003
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Architecture / building / designs University of Buffalo / cyburbia
National Building Museum Cyburbia / Internet Resources for the Built Environment
MCLA - Architectural Lighting Design / global Building
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Cameras  in Urban Environments
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Conservation Strategies
Conservation Fund Sierra Club
National Wildlife Federation
National Resources Defense Council
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Civil & Environmental Engineering... infrastructure components
Civil & Environmental Engineering / global Power Generation / transmission
American Planning Association Roadway Systems
Airport / Air Traffic Congestion Solid Waste Disposal
Communications Systems Storm Water Runoff / flooding
Dams / Locks Sewerage System
Health Care Systems Trains / Rail System
Maritime Facilities / shipping / ports Water Supply
Mass Transportation Rocky Mountain Institute / water management systems
Navigation Systems
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Counties in USA ( 3,066) County Data Map / 50 states
National Assoc. of Counties Montgomery County, Md.
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Environmental Studies / Policy Resources for the Future
Environmental & Energy Study Institute Smart Growth Network
Environmental Justice Resou

rce Center / Atlanta

U of Louisville /Institute for Environment & Sustainable Development
National Trust for Historic Preservation Vermont / Howard Dean / Environmental Protection
Pres.Bush / Carbon Dioxide Releases
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GPS (Global Positioning System) ... ..all mobile categories / people & vehicles
NextBus Automated Tracking / around the country Intuicom / Enabling technologies for a wireless world
Business2.0 / GPS on 1,445 buses in yr 2002 / Wash. , D.C. Intuicom / Applications / transport/environment/energy, etc
Orbital Sciences / Singapore Bus Services / 2700 vehicles Emergency Service Agencies / tracking-mapping
Tracking Ambulances / Alberta, Canada (Jac MacDonald) CompassCom / Navigation Solutions=Surveying, Mapping,etc.
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Home Businesses / Resources
American Assoc. of Home-Based Businesses
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Infrastructure / Information-Technology installation ...cities, municipalities, rural, regions, global
California / NicWeb/CSGnet Network Information Center Pervasive Communication by Businesses & Consumers
Center for Digital Government / Digital Cities Survey Porterville Wireless / fm Rocky Hill to across town
Clear Sky Broadband / national wireless network REJIS / REgional Justice Information Service / St. Louis
Delaware E-Government Initiative Riverside, Calif. / ( GIS ) Geographic Information System
Detroit Lakes, Minnesota / LakesNet - community-wide BB Rockville, Md. /  Dept. of Information & Technology
DOAS /Georgia Depart. of Administrative Services Skyrr / Iceland / State & Municipal Data Processing Center
GOBINET / Government of Barbados Information Network Wheat Belt CFD/Wireless Network in Westman Region /Canada
Illinois/ ICN/ TelecomBackbone / Education & Government The WIDEN Project / Nebraska /expand services/ reduce cost
Kentucky / Governor's Office of Technology...Services WRAN /Wireless Rural Area Network / Great Plains States
Kitsap County, Wa./ Information Technology Strategic Plan Virginia Dept. of Information Technology / services-centers
Loudoun County, Virginia/Dept of Information Technology
Manitoba Sm@rt Network / Brandon,Carberry, Neepawa,etc.
Maryland Technology - eMaryland
Massachusetts / Information Technology Division
Minnesota/ Dept of Trade & Economic Development / E-com
Nederland, Colorado / Granpa Bredo..the frozen dead guy
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Infrastructure / policy-planning
American Planning Association National League of Cities
ICIS - Institute for Civil Infrastructure Systems / NYU Planetizen / The Planning & Development Network
Solutions Not Sprawl / Citizens Alliance
Sprawl Watch
Washington, D.C. Public Works
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Infrastructure / Water & Sanitation management... providing safe & reliable water  for all communities and uses
Washington, D.C./ Automated Water Meter Reading
Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission Extensive Water Management & Environmental resources
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Information / Radio Service Worldspace
XMRadio B92 / Yugoslavia
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Information / TV Service America's Most Wanted
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Iowwwa Communities / networks netINS / IOWA links
The Complete Guide to Iowa Web Sites Iowa County Home Pages / all 99
Cedar Falls Utilities, Iowa / CFU-CyberNet / BB-Cable-WWW Iowa Online / The Best of Iowa
Welcome to the City of Cedar Falls, Iowa Iowans For Peace
City of Cedar Rapids, Iowa Waverly, Iowa - along the Cedar River
Iowa Dept. of Natural Resources / Geological Survey
VNI -Venture Network of Iowa
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Legislative Initiatives National Conference of State Legislatures
Legislative & Policy Issues / APA
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Municipalities / Towns / regions / global
National League of Cities City of Nacogdoches, Texas /  " The oldest town in Texas "
Arkansas Government City of Naples, Florida
Government of Alberta / Canada New Bedford, Massachusetts
Baltimore, Md./ city government REJIS / St. Louis/ REgional Justice Information Service
Birmingham, UK / ..attracting new companies to Birmingham.. Rochester, N.Y. / Nothnagle Relocation Services
Brandon /Manitoba, Canada / the " Wheat City " Rockville, Maryland
Caerphilly County Borough Council / UK The Village of Royal Palm Beach, Fla.
California Net- services San Francisco, California Government
Canada's Technology Triangle/diverse communities & culture Schools & Education Networks / global
Colorado Communities Page Southfield, Michigan / wireless service for residents & business
Communities in Montgomery Co., Md. Tacoma, Washington / "America's #1 Wired City "
The Town of Chevy Chase, Md. UK Villages / UK Towns /Wales - Scotland -N. Ireland
Connecticut / Dept. of Transportation Urbandale, Iowa / please meet the Mayor & City Council
Delaware...The First State Vacaville, California
Detroit Lakes Communications Network , Minnesota Vergennes, Vermont /1788 - Oldest City in Vermont
Dunnellon, Central Florida / laid back Rainbow River pix Virginia Government /VIPNet /  Business - Citizen Services
Dunnellon area Chamber of Commerce Washington, District of Columbia /  Government
Dunnellon , Florida ( Marion County Marketplace ) Washington , D.C. Region / resources
City of Durango, Colorado Waverly, Iowa / along the Cedar River / Wartburg College
FingerLakesNet / community, business, education, gov., etc
Granbury, Texas
Welcome to Hamburg, Germany
Kansas City, Missouri ...welcomes you
Kentucky / towns - municipalities / state-local-federal links
King County, Washington / Information & Telecom Division
City of Knoxville, Tennessee
City of Long Beach, California
City of Los Angeles, Calif.
Maryland / From A to Z 
Minnesota /a million lakes & where 'Minnesotan' is spoken
Missouri City, Texas
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Mapping Technologies MapTech
Mapping Engines, geography, US Census Bureau .. MapBlast
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Miscellaneous ArtNet
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New Urbanism / communities CNU / charter
Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU) / resources New Urban News
CNU Task Force Missions & Initiatives New Urban News / extensive New Urbanism links
Land Planning & Conservation / sustainability New Urbanism Resource Index
Planning Environmental & Civil Engineering links / global
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National / State Parks
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Planning Programs
American Planning Association Urban & Regional Information Systems Assoc.
Canadian Institute of Planners US National Governors Assoc. /  land preservation
US National Governors Assoc. / environmental technology
Virginia Dept. of Information Technology
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Planning Programs / Energy Systems.... installed capacity  15,000MW (4,000mw yr now)
Extensive Sustainable Energy Resources / global WindPowerOnline
Netherlands Energy Research Foundation Florida Solar Energy Center
Wind Energy / design/testing/standards / Netherlands Wind Power Resources
National Wind Coordinating Committee Iowa Renewable Energy Assoc. / wind farm sites
Center for Renewable Energy & Sustainable Technology Iowa State Wind resource Assessment Program
Wind Energy Research / University of Utah / US Iowa State Land Form / crops/woodland/water/mixed
WindPower Research/ tech/economics/environmental
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Information / Multimedia Service Platforms/fiber optics
Platforms/ satellites Platforms/copper wire-dsl
Platforms/mobile Platforms / fixed wireless
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Relocation / resources / global
Home-Link / Nothnagle Realtors / so you can enjoy life
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Research  / Issues National League of Cities
TU Hamburg-Harburg / Town, Environment, Technology
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Smart Growth Strategies / research Rocky Mountain Institute / Dr. Amory B  Lovins
EcoIQ / economically/ecologically beneficial Smart Growth / New Urbanism studies
Guide to Internet Resources in Sustainable Development 100 Top Sustainable Growth Sites
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Sprawl & Crawl
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Teleworking Initiatives TeleCommute
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Traffic Grid Lock / flow patterns/trends AAA / travel planning
Athens, Greece real-time traffic flow / 15 min. updates
Maryland  Second Crossing Citizens for Quality Living / Montgomery County, Md.
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Traffic Cams / Traffic Cams / USA 
Washington, D.C. - USA Extensive Traffic Monitoring Services
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Transportation / Mass Transit / bus, train... boat, car , planes, 
Washington, D.C. Metro Area Transit Authority / WMATA
NextBus / GPS coupled bus clock/arrival time WMATA / Metro press releases 
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